Keywords: supply chain, global supply chains, customer, added value, customer value


The article is devoted to the study of marketing and logistics activities of the enterprise as an integral part of the supply chain. It is shown that the priority role belongs to the marketing and logistics processes for creating utility: utility of additional service, the utility of information, the utility of place, time, and ownership. Based on the views of various scientists, the prerequisites for the formation of added value in the supply chain are outlined. In particular, according to the theory of the utility chain, a company can gain a competitive advantage in the market due to effective cooperation between logistics and marketing, logistics and production; a significant role is played by the process approach in the formation of added value, in contrast to the functional one. In the research process, it is shown why the most important link in the value-added chain is the customer, who is involved in the formation of this value throughout the entire supply chain. At the same time, not only the product price but also the time, reliability, and urgency of deliveries, as well as elements of logistics service, play a crucial role in consumer choice. The article presents a detailed classification of supply chains based on added value depending on specific characteristics. The essence of the global chain of creation of added value, which combines the elements of the classic supply chain, is revealed. One of its characteristic features is its territorial affiliation to different continents or trade blocs. An element of the development of global supply chains based on a non-linear U-shaped curve is emphasized. It is explained by the fact that less added value is created in the production process than at the stage of research, innovation, and design: mental work adds more value than physical work. Two types of supply chains in the international economy are distinguished: global chains initiated by the manufacturer or by the buyer. One of the important features of the development of global supply chains is identified: the centers of scientific research and innovation are located in the developed countries of the world, as well as the centers of making key decisions. At the same time, the processes of the physical creation of the product are concentrated in developing countries.


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How to Cite
Hirna, O. (2022). LOCAL AND GLOBAL ASPECTS OF THE FORMATION OF ADDED VALUE IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (1 (01), 22-28. https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.1-4