• Oleksandr Shpykuliak National Scientific Centre “Institute of Agrarian Economics”
  • Mykola Pugachov National Scientific Centre “Institute of Agrarian Economics”
  • Kateryna Ksenofontova National Scientific Centre “Institute of Agrarian Economics”
Keywords: entrepreneurial activity, farms, European Green Course, post-war recovery, agricultural sector


The prospects for the development of entrepreneurial activities of farms are outlined in view of the task of implementing the European Green Course in the context of European integration and the needs of the post-war recovery of Ukraine's economy. An assessment of the current state of development of the entrepreneurial activity of farms in the context of the "green economy" was carried out to determine their role in the mechanism of the post-war recovery of the Ukrainian economy. Based on the analysis of the provisions of the European European Green Course, target niches for the involvement of farms, key guidelines for the transformation of the economy at the meso- and macro-level in the process of its implementation have been determined. In particular, the organizational, institutional and economic functionality of capable participation and the characteristics of the involvement of farms are characterized, the key challenges of the development of the agricultural sector of the economy of Ukraine in the conditions of the institutionalization of the provisions of the European Green Course are identified, and the strategic priorities of the transformation of the economy to a sustainable future are formulated. Tendencies towards the consolidation of farms have been determined, which indicates their motivation and the presence of institutional capabilities to play the role of a basic actor in the development of rural areas and a significant participant in the supply chains of agri-food products. The dynamics of the development of the entrepreneurial activity of farms indicates their relative economic and institutional resistance to significant risks, provided that the labor potential is preserved. Farms can also be relocated to safer regions, as well as relatively quickly find new niches in craft, exclusive agribusiness, acquire export capabilities. . In the process of researching the entrepreneurial activity of farms, scientific support for their balanced economic, social, demographic and ecological development based on competitive agricultural production, its profitability through agricultural and non-agricultural entrepreneurial activity, cooperation and integration of agro-industrial production was determined. Conceptualization of directions for the development of entrepreneurial activities of farms for the institutionalization of the "green" course in a strategic perspective has been carried out.


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Economic aspects of energy efficient and environmentally safe directions for the development of rural areas: collective monograph / G.M. Kaletnik, I.D. Bilokinna, N.V. Pryshliak, O.G. Shpykuliak, D.M. Tokarchuk, N.G. Zdyrko. Sofia: VUZF Publishing House “St. Grigorii Bogoslov”, 2021. 215 p.

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