• Maryna Vysotska National Aviation University
Keywords: Aviation alliance, air transportation industry, competition, vertical agreements, airlines, airports


The study of the interaction of the air transport industry entities made it possible to determine the main forms of integration associations, to assess the consequences of their functioning for other entities of the air transport industry and consumers. It is determined that increased competition has contributed to the emergence of synergistic interactions between airlines through the formation of global alliances, and has significantly changed the structure of the aviation industry. At the same time, these processes are expedient for both leaders and ordinary airlines. The advantages and negative aspects of airline alliances are substantiated. The influence of horizontal alliances on the strategic behavior of airports and the peculiarities of the process of interaction between the airline and the airport are described. Airports seek to make changes in the behavior of airlines through a vertical agreement to attract additional passenger traffic. Therefore, competing airports have incentives to share concession revenues and reduce the cost of airport services. It is demonstrated that competition between airports can eliminate the harmful effects of monopolistic behavior of airline alliances, and vertical alliances strengthen the competitive position of its members and have a positive impact on the development of the country's aviation industry. It is determined that the peculiarity of interaction between an airline and an airport in the implementation of technological and business processes is: the inseparability of interaction, the importance of coordination and the impossibility of postponing any component of the technological process; dependence of the overall result of the technological process on the quality of interaction between an airline and an airport; change of positions of interaction as a supplier and a consumer. The experience of regulating the activities of strategic alliances and approaches to evaluating the functioning of strategic alliances are analyzed.


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Kyrylenko О., Razumova K., Novak V., Guryna А. Strategic analysis as a tool for the formation and implementation of air company development strategy. Financial and credit activities: problems of theory and practice. 2020 No3(34). URL:


Jong-Hun Park The effects of airline alliances on markets and economic welfare Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Volume 33, Issue 3, September 1997, Pages 181-195  ,

Value Alliance URL:

Adrián Nerja, Can parallel airline alliances be welfare improving? The case of airline–airport vertical agreement, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 167, 2023, 103559, ISSN 0965-8564, URL: (

A. Nerja, M. Sánchez///Nerja, Adrián and Sánchez, Mariola (2020): The effects of concession revenue sharing contracts in airport competition. Published in: Economics of Transportation , Vol. 28, (December 2021)

Philip G. Gayle, Dave Brown Airline strategic alliances in overlapping markets: Should policymakers be concerned? Economics of Transportation, Volume 3, Issue 4, 2014, pp. 243-256

Barbot Barbot, C., 2011. Vertical contracts between airports and airlines is there a trade-off between welfare and competitiveness? J. Transp. Econ

Waleed Youssef, Mark Hansen Consequences of strategic alliances between international airlines: The case of Swissair and SAS Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice

Volume 28, Issue 5, September 1994, Pages 415-431

Xavier Fageda, Ricardo Flores-Fillol, Bernd Theilen, Hybrid cooperation agreements in networks: The case of the airline industry, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 62, 2019, Pages 194-227, ISSN 0167-7187, URL: (

C. Kalmbach, C. RousselDispelling the myths of alliances January 1999

F. Vissi Strategic Alliances and Global Monopolies March 1997

Ahmad Sugiono, Rahayu Agus, Lili Adi Wibowo, Ratih Hurriyati Ahmad Developing models of environment uncertainty, incoterms on strategic alliance and competitive advantage January 2024 Uncertain Supply Chain Management 12(2):1083-1096 DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.12.001

Nuno Oliveira, Fabrice Lumineau, Africa Ariño Time in international strategic alliances: Progress and prospect March 2023 Journal of World Business 58(4):101456 DOI: 10.1016/j.jwb.2023.101456

Kang, N. and K. Sakai (2000), "International Strategic Alliances: Their Role in Industrial Globalisation", OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers, No. 2000/05, OECD Publishing, Paris,

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How to Cite
Vysotska, M. (2024). INVESTIGATION OF THE FORMS OF STRATEGIC INTERACTION OF ENTITIES IN THE AIR TRANSPORT INDUSTRY. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (11), 252-258.