• Pavlo Fisunenko Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Yan Kosobryukhov Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: marketing management, analysis, management, real estate market, component, principle


The article analyzes the peculiarities of the development of marketing management for companies in the field of real estate management. The main principles of the functioning of the client-oriented model for real estate management companies were analyzed (differentiation of consumer groups in order to form a separate strategic plan and tactical steps for each target group, communication activities with the consumer, close cooperation with stakeholders at all stages of project implementation, the relationship of results and practical actions, availability of the ability of the marketing management system for reengineering). The analysis of individual components of the economic category «marketing activity» of the company on the real estate market was carried out, the main concepts of the formation of the general features of the management system of the company’s marketing activity on the real estate market were determined, and a list of the main principles of the company’s marketing activity in modern business conditions was formed. In the conditions of active hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, the development of strategic plans for marketing communications is a particularly difficult task. At the same time, the company must take into account the need to use the processes of adaptation of the basics of marketing communication activities, based on ensuring the implementation of European integration processes in the state. The marketing strategy is a tool for ensuring a high level of competitiveness of the company in the real estate market, its solvency and the availability of strategic vectors for economic development in the long term. In the conditions of globalization shifts and constant economic fluctuations, the first priority is to ensure a high level of marketing management for companies of any sector of the national economic system. Real estate management companies, which closely interact with many companies from various sectors of the country’s economic system, are no exception. In general, the company’s marketing activities require clear and balanced management decisions. Management of marketing activities is a special process of deep transformational transformations regarding the use of effective tools of the company’s integrated policy in the context of its achievement of long-term strategic goals, implementation of a range of investment projects, analysis and monitoring of vectors of strategic communication development.


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How to Cite
Fisunenko, P., & Kosobryukhov , Y. (2024). FEATURES OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT OF REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT COMPANIES. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (11), 224-227. https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.11-35