• Oleksandr Zhurba State University of Trade and Economics
  • Yuliya Yasko State University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: competitive policy, capital concentration, business entity, Regulation, Directive, Regulations


To ensure sustainable long-term economic growth, it is also necessary to have a high level of competitiveness, which consists in the ability to compete effectively with other countries. This level should be evaluated from the point of view of its dynamics, since the success of the national economy does not depend solely on its condition in individual sectors. It is obvious that not all branches of the country's economy are always competitive on the world market, and well-known companies may lose their leadership positions in the future and give way to foreign competitors. The outlined situation determines the relevance of the research. The purpose of the research is the formation of a system of EU legal acts that relate or may relate to competition policy in the system of instruments for controlling the concentration of capital in the digital sector of the EU. The paper examines the theoretical and regulatory aspects of the concept of «concentration», describes the relationship between the national legislation of Ukraine and the regional legislation of the EU in the field of capital concentration. As a result of the conducted research, a system of EU regulations was formed that relate to or may relate to competition policy in the system of tools for controlling the concentration of capital in the digital sector of the EU, which consists of the following groups: - the main regulatory legal act of the EU in the field of concentration control - Regulation of the Council of Europe on concentration control between enterprises of January 20, 2004 No. 139/2004; - a group of EU legal acts in the field of general competition - the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU and the rules of competition law are enshrined in the regulations of the Council of the EU as in the regulations of the legislative body of the European Parliament, Regulation on the application of the Treaty No. 17 of 06.02.1962, Regulation on the application of Article 101 of Section III of Treaty No. 19/65 dated March 2, 1965, Regulation on control over concentration actions of enterprises, on control as a result of mergers No. 4064/89 dated December 21, 1989; - the main legal act of the EU in the digital sector - Index of the digital economy and society. Having familiarized himself with the content of the above-mentioned acts, the author of the work came to the conclusion that there is currently no single regulatory document within the EU space that regulates the issue of capital concentration in the EU digital sector. Its development can serve as a basis for further research.


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How to Cite
Zhurba, O., & Yasko , Y. (2024). COMPETITIVE POLICY IN THE SYSTEM OF TOOLS FOR CONTROL OF CAPITAL CONCENTRATION IN THE EU DIGITAL SECTOR. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (11), 209-214.