• Eduard Sukholov Uzhgorod National University
Keywords: transaction costs, formal rules, bureaucratic procedures, financial monitoring


This article examines the reasons for the suboptimality of the criteria for the dubiousness of financial transactions established by the current formal rules of financial monitoring and proposes measures to increase the selectivity of these criteria to increase the effectiveness of the financial monitoring system in countering and preventing corruption and detinization of the country’s economy. It is shown that the ineffectiveness of the financial monitoring system, which is manifested in the increase in the number of undetected questionable financial transactions and erroneous determinations of financial transactions as questionable, is due not to the human factor, but to the insufficient selectivity of the criteria for the questionability of financial transactions, which are established in the current formal rules of financial monitoring. It has been proven that the insufficient selectivity of the criteria for the dubiousness of financial transactions is the main factor in the ineffectiveness of the formal rules of financial monitoring, having a double negative impact on the effectiveness of the functioning of the financial monitoring system. First, it limits the ability of the financial monitoring system to effectively prevent dirty money laundering, in the case of applying too soft criteria for the dubiousness of financial transactions. Secondly, it contributes to an excessive increase in the level of transaction costs of bureaucratic procedures of financial monitoring for persons not involved in laundering dirty money, in case of application of excessively strict criteria of dubiousness. It was found that one of the factors that can lead to the ineffectiveness of the current formal rules of financial monitoring is the spread of practices of manipulating public sentiments and the adoption of demonstrative formal rules. Improved criteria for the dubiousness of financial transactions are proposed, aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the financial monitoring system in preventing and countering the growth of the shadow sector of the economy and preventing an increase in the level of transaction costs of bureaucratic financial monitoring procedures of persons not involved in shadow activities.


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How to Cite
Sukholov, E. (2024). EFFECTIVENESS OF THE FINANCIAL MONITORING SYSTEM IN THE PREVENTION OF ECONOMIC CRIMES. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (11), 123-189. https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.11-29