• Oksana Stepanenko Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
Keywords: stocks, goods, commodity stocks, classification, economic nature of commodity stocks, trade activity, scientific research, accounting, management


Commodity stocks are a component of the assets of wholesale and retail trade enterprises. Their main property is belonging to working capital, the ability to quickly convert into cash. The article analyzes dissertations in which inventories were studied as a derivative of the category's "goods" and "inventories". In order to highlight the signs that reveal the economic nature of commodity stocks, their interpretation and approaches to understanding their essence were investigated. From the side of the economy, the management of commodity stocks is defined as: a set of consumer goods; from accounting - assets in tangible and intangible forms; merchandise mass, identified assets, enterprise resources, tangible assets. The views of Ukrainian scientists on the construction of the classification of commodity stocks, their grouping for the needs of accounting and management have been analyzed. The expediency of their use in the accounting practice of trade enterprises is substantiated. The role of commodity stocks in the spheres of economic activity of trade enterprises is highlighted: economic (factor of capital turnover), marketing (factor of customer satisfaction and loyalty), logistics (integrated assessment of the supply chain), accounting (recording, documentation of operations, generalization of information), property (commodity stocks is a component of current assets). According to the results of the conducted research, the accounting and economic characteristics of commodity stocks are detailed: 1) tangible and intangible assets with a reliably estimated value; 2) the component of current assets of trade enterprises; 3) dynamic category, in a state of constant movement and renewal; 4) the subject of economic relations between market participants; 5) are under the control of the enterprise until the moment of implementation; 6) merchandise intended for further sale or exchange; 7) have properties capable of satisfying consumer demand. The stages of formation of information flows about the availability and movement of goods in the accounting and reporting system of the enterprise are highlighted: 1) organizational aspects of the construction of the goods accounting system; 2) observation, recording, documentation of operations; 3) systematization and grouping of accounting information on the availability and movement of goods; 4) generalization of accounting information for the formation of financial reporting indicators.


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How to Cite
Stepanenko , O. (2024). STOCKS AS AN OBJECT OF ACCOUNTING AND MANAGEMENT: SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL APPROACH. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (11), 157-163.