• Yurii Semenenko West Ukrainian National University
  • Taras Shynkaryk West Ukrainian National University
Keywords: Innovation, management, healthcare management, activity optimization, customer orientation


Digital technologies have significantly transformed the way medical institutions function in recent decades. The digitization of healthcare management has not only accelerated and optimized the processes of providing medical care but has also created new opportunities to improve the quality of medical services. The concept of digital technologies in medicine is attractive not only because it promises to address numerous challenges facing modern medicine but also because of how it changes our understanding of health and methods of its preservation. Modern technologies allow for the collection, analysis, and utilization of vast amounts of data, opening up new possibilities for individualized treatment and prevention. One of the most promising areas is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in diagnosis and treatment. The development of machine learning algorithms that can analyze images, X-rays, medical records, and other data is already helping doctors make more accurate diagnoses and prescribe effective treatments. In the context of economic theory, the digitization of medical institutions can be seen as an innovative process that contributes to increased productivity and cost optimization. The use of electronic medical records, telemedicine systems, and other digital tools allows for the optimization of workflows and resource preservation. Such an approach can have a significant impact on the economic efficiency of a medical institution by reducing costs for administrative procedures and improving resource management. On the other hand, investments in digital technologies require significant financial expenditures. Alongside financial costs, it is necessary to consider the time and organizational costs associated with the implementation of new systems. The use of digitization in management can help enhance competitiveness and ensure the sustainable development of a medical institution in the face of rapid technological transformation. The article analyzes the economic aspects of digitizing healthcare management, considering them in the context of ensuring efficient functioning and improving the quality of medical services.


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Epic | With the patient at the heart. Epic. URL: (date of access: 16.04.2024)

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Healthcare | IBM. IBM in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. URL: (date of access: 16.04.2024).

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How to Cite
Semenenko , Y., & Shynkaryk , T. (2024). DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF MEDICAL INSTITUTION MANAGEMENT INNOVATION. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (11), 145-150.