• Nataliia Savina National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
  • Olha Skyba Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko
Keywords: post-war recovery, border areas, socio-economic potential, innovation potential, region


The key indicators of socio-economic development of the Sumy region in the pre-war period, which were mostly lower compared to other regions of Ukraine, were analyzed. In particular, according to the index of the physical volume of the gross regional product, Sumy Oblast occupied the penultimate place in the overall rating. The low level of innovation potential of the region was also determined, as evidenced by the share of research and development costs to the total gross regional product, the number of employees involved in research and development, etc. The assessment of the orientation of migration processes to a full-scale invasion shows that the Sumy region acted as a donor region both for other regions of Ukraine, in particular large agglomerations, and other states, which "supplied" to their labor markets highly qualified and at the same time relatively inexpensive labor force, while certain branches of the region's economy suffered from a lack of qualified personnel. An analysis of various approaches to post-war recovery was carried out, the key features of which are the identification and consideration in the future of those "pre-war weaknesses" and shortcomings that led to the technological and innovative backwardness and economic weakness of the country as a whole. The formation of the post-war recovery policy of the regions of Ukraine should be aimed at the radical transformation of the national economy, increasing the rate of growth of competitive positions in all sectors, and not only at returning it to the pre-war level. The post-war reconstruction of Ukraine's regions is a complex process that requires significant amounts of investment resources. The goal of post-war recovery is to ensure macroeconomic stability, aimed both at increasing the social welfare of the population and at stimulating the development of all sectors of the economy. The focus of the state regional policy on post-war recovery and stimulation of the economic development of the regions, and most importantly: their further protection from the aggressor country, should be the border regions, as regions that ensure the stability of the rear.


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How to Cite
Savina , N., & Skyba , O. (2024). BORDER TERRITORIES IN THE CONTEXT OF THE ASSESSMENT OF THEIR SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND INNOVATION POTENTIAL. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (11), 137-144.