• Vitaliy Omelyanenko Sumy Makarenko State Pedagogical University; Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Olena Omelianenko Sumy Makarenko State Pedagogical University; Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Yaroslav Miroshnichenko Sumy Makarenko State Pedagogical University
Keywords: infrastructure marketing, communities, innovations, infrastructure projects


The relevance of infrastructure development and the search for organizational and economic mechanisms is an integral part of modern economic development. Infrastructure is defined as the basis for the functioning of the economy and society in general, including transport, communications, energy, housing and communal services and other areas. In order to ensure sustainable economic growth and increase competitiveness, it is necessary to constantly improve and develop the infrastructure. Marketing plays a key role in infrastructure development as it determines the ways in which infrastructure projects are perceived, accepted and used by the public, government and business. This is important to ensure successful implementation and efficient use of infrastructure facilities. Marketing strategies help attract investment in projects, collect feedback from stakeholders, produce effective communication campaigns to raise awareness and support projects, and ensure high-quality infrastructure services. This approach helps to ensure the stability and sustainability of infrastructure facilities and contributes to their successful integration into the economy and society. The purpose of the study is to determine the conceptual foundations of infrastructure marketing and consider the practical aspects of their implementation. Infrastructure development is considered within the framework of the concept of spatial economics, which studies the relationship between economic activity and spatial aspects such as location, territorial interactions, regional development and resource use. Infrastructure marketing can be defined as a strategic approach to the promotion and management of infrastructure projects in order to attract attention, attract investment, and ensure public and stakeholder support. The goals of infrastructure marketing are to create and ensure the effective use of infrastructure resources to achieve the strategic goals of territorial development. This includes attracting investment to build and maintain infrastructure, creating a favorable environment for business and citizens' livelihoods, ensuring the competitiveness of the territory as a place of residence and business development, as well as promoting sustainable development, including economic, social and environmental sustainability. Thus, infrastructure marketing is aimed at improving the quality of life and the efficiency of economic development through the optimal use of infrastructure opportunities and resources.


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How to Cite
Omelyanenko , V., Omelianenko , O., & Miroshnichenko, Y. (2024). CONCEPTUAL BASICS AND APPLIED ASPECTS OF TERRITORIES’ INFRASTRUCTURE MARKETING IN THE CONTEXT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (PROJECT APPROACH). Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (11), 123-130.