• Anastasiia Liezina Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University
Keywords: economic security, risks, assessment, enterprise, electric power industry


The article is devoted to the issue of assessing the level of economic security of enterprises in the electric power sector of the Ukrainian economy within the framework of presenting step-by-step actions and describing the specifics of this industry. Based on various studies, the author briefly presents the methodology for assessing the level of economic security of an electric power company, which consists of three blocks. The presented method allows you to divide the total entropy into its components - entropy of interaction, configuration, local, structural, etc., which allows you to develop solutions for their reduction. Thus, it was established that the more complex the inter-industry chain of an electric power enterprise, the higher the entropy of the elements included in it. All models will be estimated using the classical least squares method for multiple regressions. Also, using the entropy method, we will calculate the influence of external factors on the economic security of the electric power company. As such indicators, 10 components, united in three large groups, were selected: technological, economic-legal, socio-demographic. Further, it was determined that before using this or that key risk indicator, its limit values and limits are developed. The characteristics of the indicators of risk zones, which are divided into components (with the designation of the color equivalent), are made according to weight indicators. Namely: the red zone of values characterizes the area of a crisis state, when all stability indicators (or most of them) go beyond their limit values, and the complete loss of the component becomes inevitable and irreversible. The green zone of values characterizes the area of absolute stability, when the structural indicators of stability are in a significant deviation from their threshold values, and the level of use of the development component of the electric power enterprise is optimal. In the interval between the red and green zones, there are three more colored zones characterizing the intermediate values of the integral indicator. The presented conclusion helped to form a methodical approach to consistent assessment of the level of economic security of an electric power enterprise, which allows to present a stable level of economic security, which is ensured as a result of the combination of high levels of formation of all three main elements.


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How to Cite
Liezina, A. (2024). FEATURES OF THE CONSEQUENTIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE LEVEL OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF ENTERPRISES IN THE ELECTRIC ENERGY INDUSTRY. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (11), 103-109. https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.11-16