• Olha Kudrina Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko
  • Anatolii Ivchenko Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko
Keywords: enterprise, security-oriented development, strategy, component-based approach, component, co-opetition, PARTS model, scenario analysis


To develop a strategy for the security-oriented development of enterprises in Ukraine, it is proposed to use a component approach, which involves the allocation of individual components of the strategy. The main components of developing a strategy for the security-oriented development of enterprises are the idea of co-competition according to B. Neilbuff and A. Brandenburg, the PARTS model, and scenarios for modifying the elements of the PARTS model. Each of the components has not only advantages in the strategic management of the security-oriented development of enterprises, but also limitations that must be taken into account when developing appropriate strategies. The component-based approach to developing a strategy for the security-oriented development of enterprises in Ukraine ensures the flexibility of the strategy, allows adapting the methods, techniques and ways of developing the strategy to the specifics of the development of a particular enterprise while maintaining the theoretical foundations (the idea of co-competition, the PARTS model, etc.) in modern conditions. The purpose of co-competition in the strategy of security-oriented development of enterprises is to concentrate on a permanent (less often) or temporary (more often) basis common resources in counteracting real or potential threats to development. The condition for the effectiveness of co-competition in the implementation of the strategy of security-oriented development of enterprises is the separation of competition and cooperation in time, in different areas, by development vectors, etc. Co-competition in the implementation of the strategy of security-oriented development of enterprises is effective at the initial stages of strategy implementation. The peculiarity of using the PARTS model in the development of a strategy for the security-oriented development of enterprises is the ability to ensure the variability of the strategy by forming a number of scenarios of the model elements. Such scenarios describe possible future actions of enterprises to ensure their development depending on the projected changes in the conditions for the development of enterprises in Ukraine. By analyzing different scenarios, taking into account potential risks and opportunities, enterprises can better prepare and make informed decisions to ensure their development under conditions that have changed and therefore differ from those taken into account when the strategy was developed.


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How to Cite
Kudrina, O., & Ivchenko , A. (2024). STRATEGY FOR SECURITY-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT OF ENTERPRISES IN UKRAINE: A COMPONENT APPROACH. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (11), 95-102.