• Olha Hapieieva University of Customs and Finance
  • Oleksii Pochtamtsev University of Customs and Finance
Keywords: institutionalization, financial factors, national economic security, modern challenges, financial stability, cyber security, financial crises, state regulation


In light of today’s global challenges, such as financial crises, cyber threats, and geopolitical tensions, the issue of national economic security becomes particularly relevant. Institutionalization of financial factors in this context plays a key role in ensuring stability and stability of the country’s economy. The research aims to consider the current challenges to the institutionalization of financial factors of national economic security, identify their impact and offer specific recommendations for strengthening the stability of the financial system. The purpose of the study is to analyze modern challenges before the institutionalization of financial factors of national economic security, determine their impact on the country’s economy, and formulate practical recommendations for political and economic decisions. The object of research is the process of institutionalization of financial factors, and the subject is their impact on national economic security in the conditions of modern global challenges. To achieve the goal of the research, a set of methods was used, in particular: analysis of scientific literature, statistical analysis of financial data, empirical research and expert evaluations. These methods made it possible to obtain a comprehensive overview of modern challenges and their impact on national economic security. The author analyzed modern challenges before the institutionalization of financial factors, identified key aspects of their impact on the country’s economy, and formulated recommendations for strengthening financial stability and national economic security. Based on the results of the study, recommendations for practical implementation were formulated. It is recommended to strengthen international cooperation in the field of financial regulation, invest in cyber security and increase the effectiveness of state control over financial institutions in order to ensure the stability and security of the financial system.


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