• Vladyslav Vitiutin University of Customs and Finance
  • Denys Merzhev University of Customs and Finance
Keywords: digitization, information and communication technologies, enterprise, industry, region, country


Interest in assessing the level of digitalization is due to the transition of modern society to a new technological system, when the concept of competitiveness is inextricably linked to the level of development of information and communication technologies (ICT). Digital transformation changes the traditional business models of enterprises, industries, regions, and the state, allowing them to occupy profitable niches in world markets, increasing the prestige of business and the state in general. In today's conditions, the level of digitization illustrates the level of competitiveness of enterprises, industries, regions, and the state and is a determining factor in developing a development strategy. Therefore, it becomes strategically important for any business to invest in its digital assets and regularly diagnose the level of its own digitalization. The article examines methods of assessing the level of use of information and communication technologies by enterprises, industries, regions, and the state. To analyze the digitization of enterprises, it is proposed to use the assessment of the level of digitization of an industrial enterprise, digital transformation, digital maturity model, digital transformation index, digital capabilities assessment model, digital piano, digital transformations, Industry 4.0 (Acatech) maturity index, assessment of strategic transformations in the process of digital transformation. It is proposed to determine the digitalization of the region by evaluating the digitalization of transport, finance, education, trade, and mass media. It is proposed to study the digitalization of the industry by analyzing data on the current state of the industry, studying digitalization of competitors, surveys and interviews, SWOT analysis, and conducting pilot projects. Methods of assessing the level of use of information and communication technologies in individual states are being studied. In particular, the methods of calculating such indices as the network society readiness index, the electronic government development index, the information and communication technology development index, and the digital competitiveness rating of countries are analyzed. In addition, a study of the digitization of Ukraine and regions in 2023 was conducted.


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How to Cite
Vitiutin, V., & Merzhev, D. (2024). DIGITIZATION RESEARCH: SCIENTIFIC METHODS AND PRACTICAL APPROACHES. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (11), 70-77. https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.11-11