• Bohdan Vityk Ukrainian Academy of Printing
Keywords: personnel security of the enterprise, personnel, threat, security activity, intellectual potential


The theoretical foundations of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise need constant rethinking in accordance with the actual conditions of economic activity. The last few years have been marked by an increase in the significance of those threats that are functionally related to personnel security. Labor migration and the demographic crisis due to the excess of the death rate over the birth rate have provoked a shortage of qualified personnel. The military operations aggravated the problems of personnel formation in every Ukrainian enterprise. The purpose of the study is a critical review of existing approaches in the interpretation of personnel security, followed by justification of one's own position, based on modern trends in security activities in the context of military operations. In order to form the theoretical foundations of ensuring the personnel security of the enterprise, the following methods were applied: induction and deduction, comparison and systematization — when studying the essential characteristics of the term "personnel security of the enterprise"; synthesis and analysis — to characterize the key tasks of security subjects in the field of ensuring personnel security of the enterprise; morphological analysis — to clarify the meaning of the concept of "personnel security of the enterprise"; graphic — for visual representation of theoretical and methodical material; abstract-logical — for theoretical generalizations and research conclusions Previously existing approaches to ensuring personnel security mostly provided for the protection of the enterprise against criminal actions of the personnel. The current conditions require a priority review of the theoretical foundations, where the following should be prioritized: monitoring the labor market, forming a personnel reserve, creating conditions for productive and proactive work, improving employee loyalty, etc. Within the framework of the conducted research, the existing approaches were critically reviewed and an own version of the interpretation of the concept of "personnel security of the enterprise" was proposed. And in the author's understanding, the personnel security of the enterprise is a state that is achieved through the implementation of a set of measures related to the detection, prevention and elimination of threats, the occurrence of which is associated with the actions or inaction of the personnel, as well as other groups that can be classified as security objects, as well as for the improvement of employee management and the development and increase in the efficiency of the use of the enterprise's intellectual potential in competition. The obtained results should serve as a basis for further scientific investigations.


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How to Cite
Vityk , B. (2024). PERSONNEL SECURITY OF THE ENTERPRISE: THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF SECURITY. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (11), 66-69.