• Liliia Bodenchuk The Pre-Danube branch of the Private Joint Stock Company "Higher education institution "The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management "
  • Liubov Liutfaliieva The Pre-Danube branch of the Private Joint Stock Company "Higher education institution "The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management "
  • Karyna Bezhenar The Pre-Danube branch of the Private Joint Stock Company "Higher education institution "The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management "
Keywords: motivation, motivation as a management function, factors affecting employee motivation, economic factors, social factors, organizational factors, personal factors


The article is devoted to the study of work motivation as a means of increasing the efficiency of the enterprise. On the basis of the study of existing approaches to understanding the meaning of the concept of "motivation" and highlighting its main aspects, the interpretation of the concept of "motivation" was formed. Groups of factors affecting employee motivation and their characteristics, including economic, social, organizational, and personal, are given. Two types of social factors that influence employee motivation are identified, including factors of the internal social environment of the enterprise and factors of the external environment that influence the social climate and social relations within the organization, and their content is also disclosed. Organizational factors influencing the motivation of teaching staff are grouped into factors of professional activity, collective and managerial factors; a list of each group of factors is defined. It is noted that the factors of professional activity include labor factors that affect the motivation of employees; collective factors include group (team) characteristics involved in the process of employees performing their professional tasks; managerial factors are often closely related to economic ones. Personal factors affecting the motivation of employees, which are determined by individual needs and cover all aspects of a person's life, are also considered. It is noted that the general methods of increasing the motivation of employees are: effective feedback from the closest manager; creating conditions for employees that contribute to increasing self-confidence and self-esteem (objective and fair assessment and reward for high work results); involvement of employees in making management decisions; providing employees with sufficient powers; organizing or supporting training to improve the competence of employees; providing an opportunity to realize the creative and professional potential of pedagogical workers; encouraging initiative and creating conditions for the development of creative potential; enabling the best employees to participate in prestigious exhibitions, conferences and business trips.


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How to Cite
Bodenchuk , L., Liutfaliieva , L., & Bezhenar, K. (2024). WORK MOTIVATION AS A MEANS OF INCREASE WORK EFFICIENCY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (11), 41-44.