Conceptual shifts in the paradigm of the functioning of the country’s economic system, in the conditions of a full-scale military invasion, necessitate a radical change in the strategic vectors of the progressive development of the state’s «green» economy, focusing on transformational shifts and the need to diversify the degree of influence of potential foreign economic threats. The functioning of the existing model of the «green» economy in such conditions is ineffective, and therefore – structural changes in the paradigm of the formation of «green» investments in the state, attraction of additional financing of state projects and programs in the field of «green» economy, the need to change the innovation of the strategic development program are necessary economic system as a whole. The article analyzes the main principles of implementing a complex model of the «green» economy in Ukraine and ensuring aspects of its progressive development. The scientific novelty of the study consists in conducting a comprehensive analysis of the priority aspects of the innovative model of the «green» economy, taking into account the degree of influence of the factors of the surrounding economic environment. The systemic integration of world markets, which is caused by globalization accents and the context of transformational transformations, necessitates the need to reformat the concept of determining the vectors of the state’s strategic development through the prism of the «green» economy. At the current stage of economic transformations in the world community, it is especially important to provide opportunities for the implementation of innovative transformations, forming progressive accents to ensure a high level of competitiveness of the economic system, its high ranking positions among other countries of the world. Undoubtedly, there are significant changes in the economy of Ukraine in the context of the introduction and development of the «green» economy. The peculiarity of this issue is the search for the possibilities of ensuring the functioning of the overall model of economic progressive development, taking into account the comprehensive impact of the factors of a full-scale military invasion of the territory of the state. At the same time, the question of researching the mechanisms of ensuring sustainable development and implementing a unified model of the «green» economy is acute not only for the national economic system, but also for states all over the world.
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