• Anastasia Tkachuk Mykolaiv National Agrarian University
  • Olha Khrystenko Mykolaiv National Agrarian University
Keywords: agriculture, food production, sustainable production, agricultural sector, productivity


The article analyzes the factors that influence the increase in agricultural productivity and sustainable food production in Ukraine. The article is aimed at identifying and understanding the main factors that determine the success of the agricultural sector, in particular in the context of changes in the political, economic, environmental and technological spheres. It is determined that the beginning of a full-scale invasion, in particular, the fighting in the east and south of the country, has a negative impact on the agricultural sector. This leads to the destruction of infrastructure and a reduction in production capacity, which makes it difficult to increase productivity. Against the backdrop of the war, the environmental situation has become critical, including soil and water pollution, which affects the quality of products. Economic difficulties and financial constraints have also become widespread, which, in turn, hinder access to modern technologies and investment in agriculture. It is determined that innovative technologies can increase productivity, but their implementation requires significant costs and stimulation of innovative thinking among farmers. It is concluded that the identification of factors influencing the increase in agricultural productivity and sustainable food production is extremely important for the sustainable development of the agricultural sector. Among them, the most important are the efficient use of resources, the introduction of modern technologies, support for innovation and research, and the creation of favorable conditions for farmers, including access to financial resources and markets. It is stated that ensuring the efficient use of resources, including land, water and energy, is a critical aspect of sustainable food production, which requires the development and implementation of environmentally friendly technologies, as well as efficient water use and renewable energy production. It is emphasized that the development of agriculture and food production in Ukraine requires a comprehensive approach and joint efforts of all stakeholders.


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