• Olena Borysiuk Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
  • Maria Datsyuk-Tomchuk Lutsk University Institute of Human Development «Ukraine»
  • Andriy Petrynyak Lutsk University Institute of Human Development«Ukraine»
Keywords: insurance products, TELE technologies, blockchain in insurance, Big Data, online technologies, Internet sales of insurance products, mobile applications


With the spread of digital technology and the rise of online commerce, insurance companies are also looking for ways to adapt to this new environment. Digitization opens up new opportunities for insurance companies, such as improving the sales process, reducing administrative costs, improving customer service and managing risks more effectively. However, it also presents them with new challenges related to cyber security, customer data protection and market competition. Given that the use of mobile devices is growing rapidly in Ukraine, this has a significant impact on the development and implementation of mobile applications by insurance companies, and for the insurer, the development and use of a suitable mobile application is the current direction of activation of the marketing sales policy. Research and analysis of the characteristics of the sale of insurance products in the context of digitalization helps insurance companies to develop strategies that will allow them to effectively use the advantages of digital technologies and remain competitive in the market. Such digital technologies include: big data; neurotechnologies and artificial intelligence; distributed ledger systems; quantum technologies; new production technologies; industrial Internet; components of robotics and sensors; wireless communication technologies; technologies of virtual and augmented reality. The sale of insurance products in the context of digitalization can arise with a number of problems, such as: 1)/ Competition with online platforms: With the emergence of online platforms for comparing and buying insurance products, traditional insurance companies may lose customers. 2). Increase in cyber threats: As digital technologies grow, so do the number of cyber threats, which can lead to losses for insurance companies and their customers. 3). Need for new staff skills: To succeed in the digital environment, insurance companies need to train their staff in new technologies and digital processes. 4). Changing consumer demand: Consumers are increasingly looking for convenient and fast ways to purchase insurance products online, which may require companies to adapt their services to new customer needs. To solve these problems, insurance companies should improve customer service in the online environment and provide innovative products that meet new market requirements.


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How to Cite
Borysiuk, O., Datsyuk-Tomchuk , M., & Petrynyak, A. (2024). FEATURES OF THE SALE OF INSURANCE PRODUCTS IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITALIZATION. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (11), 3-8. https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.11-1