• Anzhela Lyzanets Mukachevo State University
  • Volodymyr Proskura Mukachevo State University
  • Vasyl Dudash Mukachevo State University
Keywords: external and internal communications, HR communication technology, communication channels and means, corporate communication platform


The article defines the essence and types of communications in the organization, their role in ensuring effective personnel management and achieving organization goals. The key tasks of internal and external communications are outlined. On the basis of generalization, the concept of communication HR technology is defined as a combination of channels, tools, means of communication chosen by a particular business entity, which are used for establishing and managing various types of communications with internal and external stakeholders of the organization. The authors emphasize the dependence of HR communication technologies on the peculiarities of organization, its workforce, specifics of information exchange and team interaction, current personnel policy, personnel situation in the organization and in the labor market. Traditional and innovative means of communication in personnel management are characterized. The analysis of trends in the organization of communication processes in the management practice of American, Japanese, British, French and Eastern European enterprises is carried out. Innovative communication HR technologies that are being implemented in the practice of personnel management are identified and the key factors of their emergence are outlined. The authors focus on the digitalization of HR technologies and intensification of usage of digital communication tools: corporate messengers, communication software (Slack, Fleep, Lotus Notes, Microsoft Teams, Yammer, HipChat, etc.), cloud technologies (such as Google Drive), and the usage of corporate communication platforms. It is noted that in addition to universal communication platforms, there are a number of others that are differentiated by their functionality of managing the productivity and team interaction of employees in various fields of activity, in particular: ClickUp, Jira, Trello, Asana, ProofHub, nTask, Todoist, Cage, Notion, Basecamp, Harvest, Redbooth, Confluence, Beesbusy, etc. The article argues for the expediency of further intensification of usage of digital opportunities to increase the efficiency of communication interaction as a prerequisite for improving the efficiency and quality of operation activity.


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How to Cite
Lyzanets , A., Proskura , V., & Dudash, V. (2024). APPLICATION OF COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (1 (10), 219-224.