Under conditions of uncertainty, caused primarily by Russia's military aggression and the introduction of martial law, the system of financial and economic security of economic entities is one of the main elements of strategic management. The necessity of solving the problems faced by domestic enterprises as a result of the crisis has actualised the issues of assessing the financial condition, one of the main indicators of which is the financial stability of enterprises. Therefore, the article considers theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept of "financial sustainability of enterprises", highlights the essence of the category and its importance for enterprises. The author's definition of financial stability as a generalised indicator of financial condition assessment, reflecting the ability of the enterprise to function and develop under the influence of numerous risks, to meet certain obligations, guaranteeing itself stable profitability, liquidity and solvency is formed. The organisational model of analysis of financial stability of domestic enterprises is constructed. The negative factors of influence on the financial stability of enterprises in the context of large, medium and small enterprises are generalised. In particular, they include increase in fuel prices, loss of customers due to change of location, supply disruption, loss of employees, production facilities in the occupied territories, destruction of the enterprise, etc. The analysis of financial stability of enterprises of Ukraine for 2013-2022 has been carried out, namely the dynamics of the main indicators of financial stability, such as the autonomy ratio, long-term borrowing, short-term debt has been analysed. The analysis of absolute and relative indicators of the enterprises indicates the insufficiency of own working capital to ensure their activities and reduce financial stability. According to the results of the analysis it was revealed that the enterprises of Ukraine are characterised by a low level of financial stability. Priority tasks of economic entities for maintaining financial stability in the conditions of martial law are defined, in particular, adjusting logistics; search for new suppliers, investors, customers; entering international markets
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