• Oleh Liskevych Ukrainian Industrial Telecommunications LLC
  • Rostyslav Liskevych Interregional Academy of Personnel Management
  • Kvitoslava Obelovska Lviv Polytechnic National University
Keywords: digital economy, DESI, DESI digital infrastructure indicators, network infrastructure, network technologies


The article aims to analyze the state of the European Union countries’ network infrastructure to identify challenges Ukraine has to overcome to converge the Ukrainian digital economy with the EU digital economy. The relevance of the work is justified by the fact that the implementation of advanced digital network technologies and services aligned with European ones is one of the ways to increase the future competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy. The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) is a composite index that summarizes certain indicators of the effectiveness of digital technologies in Europe and allows us to assess the state of the digital economy and society. The work is devoted to the analysis of one of the indicators, namely, digital infrastructure, according to the data provided in DESI 2023. The analysis covers the following network technologies: at least 100 Mbps fixed broadband take-up, at least 1 Gbps broadband take-up, Fixed Very High Capacity Networks (VHCN) coverage, Fiber to the Premises FTTP coverage, mobile broadband take-up, 5G coverage, and 5G spectrum. The essence of each of these technologies is briefly presented, and the state of provision of each of them in different countries of the European Union is analyzed based on DESI 2023 data. In parallel, data on the state of these technologies in Ukraine and their availability at the present moment are given. The results of a comparative analysis of the digital infrastructure of Ukraine with the digital infrastructure of European countries indicate a sufficiently good level of digital infrastructure based on optical fiber communication lines. As on September 2022, the availability of Fiber to The Premises technology is 67%, which ranks Ukraine at the top half of the European countries. The worst situation in Ukraine is with the 5G technology. However, the Kyivstar company is currently testing this technology and the preliminary test results indicate readiness for its implementation in Ukraine. The results of the analysis will be useful for the convergence of the digital economy of Ukraine with the European digital economy.


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How to Cite
Liskevych, O., Liskevych, R., & Obelovska , K. (2024). DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE ANALYSIS BY DESI 2023 DIGITAL ECONOMY AND SOCIETY INDEX. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (1 (10), 137-140.