The article is devoted to the analysis and generalization of the trends in achieving the goals of sustainable development based on part of the economic indicators. To significant changes in many indicators of sustainable development are military aggression led. One of the factors that influenced the value of these indicators is the effectiveness and efficiency of agricultural enterprises. The results of the analysis indicate a tendency towards a decline in the status of the considered economic indicators in the context of sustainable development. Negative dynamics in achieving strategic goals and tasks of sustainable development makes it impossible to achieve such indicators in the future. The purpose of the conducted research is to analyze the state of indicators of the economic component of sustainable development in Ukraine, including in the conditions of martial law, and to generalize the concept of the impact of the effectiveness of agricultural enterprises on the level of sustainable development. The conducted studies of the state of the economic component of the sustainable development of the agro-food sector made it possible to generalize the model of the influence of the effectiveness of the activities of agricultural enterprises on the level of sustainable development. In particular, taking into account the relevance of economic, social, and environmental problems that are intensifying today under the influence of factors caused by economic and political instability in Ukraine. The proposed model of the influence of the performance of agricultural enterprises on the level of sustainable development summarized the main risks and challenges that affect the performance of agricultural enterprises, and as a result, the achievement of strategic goals of sustainable development in the conditions of martial law and possible solutions in the direction of increasing the level of performance of agricultural enterprises and increasing the level of achievement of strategic sustainable development goals. In order to effectively solve these problems, it is necessary to make a decision to increase the level of productivity of agricultural enterprises and ensure the achievement of strategic goals of sustainable development.
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