In the context of a full-scale war, Ukraine has faced a number of economic problems that negatively affect the nutritional status of Ukrainian citizens. In view of this, this article is devoted to a topical issue of today - the problems of nutrition and diet of Ukrainians in the conditions of war and their impact on the food security of the state. The article examines the current features and problems of ensuring the daily energy value of the Ukrainian diet. The purpose of the study is to analyse the provision of daily energy value of the diet of Ukrainians under martial law as one of the most important indicators of food security in Ukraine. The study is based on existing scientific research, the results of sociological surveys and statistical data provided by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. First, the main indicators of food security are identified and the methodology for assessing Indicator 1, which is the main issue of the study, is defined. Based on the statistical data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, a detailed analysis of current trends in the values of the daily energy value of the human diet in Ukraine is carried out. The differences in the value of Index 1 in Ukraine and the world are determined, and the factors influencing the given values are clarified. The main problems affecting the provision of the daily energy value of the human diet in Ukraine are assessed and their impact on the nutritional status of Ukrainians under martial law is determined: destruction of food industry facilities and their occupation; increased unemployment; increased inflation; increase in the number of people living below the poverty line; increase in the number of Ukrainians who save money on food. The results obtained indicate the existence of serious problems that have a significant impact on the nutrition of Ukrainians and, accordingly, negatively affect the food security of the state in a full-scale war. There is a negative dynamics of change in the value of the daily energy value of the human diet in Ukraine. Despite the fact that the current values are higher than the maximum permissible norm, they are significantly lower than the values of this indicator in other developed countries. Thus, the state should take a number of measures to help overcome the existing problems and improve the current state of the Ukrainian diet.
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