Ukraine is one of the countries recommended to explore the possibility of implementing integrated information systems in which the formal registration of legal information, as well as technical information, is controlled and operated by one state body, and not distributed between two or more ministries and departments. This does not exclude distributed solutions with practical activities carried out in regional or local offices. Countries should view the initial creation of their system as a long-term public investment in infrastructure, with the use fee covering only a fraction of the total cost of setting up the system. From this point of view, we recognize the experience of functioning of Family Estates and family settlements as promising. Tribal settlements are a form of organizing the life of people who unite by ancestral, spiritual or ecological kinship, and create harmonious relations with nature and society. The role of ancestral settlements in the development of spatial development of territorial communities can be as follows: 1) ancestral settlements are the key to the revival of territories that have experienced depopulation, degradation, conflict or crisis, by attracting people who have the desire and opportunity to live and work in these territories, and creating conditions for their socio-economic development; 2) ancestral settlements contribute to filling the budgets of communities by developing business activities based on permaculture, renewable energy sources, waste-free production, eco-tourism, folk art and other areas that not only provide income, but also preserve and increase natural resources; 3) tribal settlements develop civil society by forming the consciousness, responsibility and activity of residents who participate in decision-making, management and control over the development of their territory, as well as cooperate with other communities, authorities, public organizations and scientific institutions. thus, ancestral settlements through design and organizational information and communication technologies have a positive impact on the socio-economic development of business and, if they adhere to the principles of volunteerism, openness, self-sufficiency, environmental friendliness, sociality and innovation.
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