Integration processes of the country's economy require innovative approaches to marketing activities and ensuring the financial and economic security of the enterprise, which is the basis for the development of its potential. The task of marketing is defined as an element of ensuring the financial and economic security of the enterprise. The main task of marketing as an element of ensuring the security of the enterprise is to conduct activities in the direction of researching market segments of product sales, opportunities for expanding domestic and foreign sales markets. It is important to justify the level of security of the business entity, existing threats and risks in the field of its positioning in the market environment. The approaches of scientists to determining the financial and economic security of an enterprise are substantiated. Formation of security mechanisms of the enterprise is a guarantee of stability and effectiveness of its activity, achievement of current and strategic goals, increase of profitability, competitiveness, activation of investment and innovation activities. The risks and threats of the enterprise's activity in the context of the marketing component have been studied. A number of methods, tools, directions and measures are used by management subjects to determine risks and threats that can probably affect the financial and economic security of the enterprise. The relationship between the formation and implementation of a marketing strategy and ensuring the financial and economic security of enterprises is proven. The principles of modern strategic marketing are described, detailing the features of the marketing strategy, determining the importance of financial planning of marketing activities. Marketing support of a business entity is based on effective marketing organization and management, formation of a marketing complex. The principles of marketing the financial and economic security of enterprises, which affect the effectiveness of activities, have been determined. The practical value of the article lies in the proposed innovative criteria of enterprise management, which are based on the interrelationships of the functions of the financial and economic security system and the enterprise's marketing activities and take into account the specifics of doing business.
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