• Oleksii Zoria Poltava State Agrarian University
  • Ilona Yasnolob Poltava State Agrarian University
  • Natalia Protsiuk Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law
Keywords: methodology, evaluation, analysis, investment and innovation potential, development, efficiency, enterprise, agro-food sphere


The article develops methodical approaches to the analysis and assessment of the investment and innovation potential of agro-food enterprises in modern conditions of the development of the national economy. It was determined that the development and improvement of scientific approaches to the management of the investment and innovation potential of agro-food enterprises not only increases their competitiveness on the market, but also allows to modernize the material base, improve the production technology, carry out scientific research, and increase the productivity and efficiency of production. It is noted that in order to correctly assess the current situation and find competitive advantages, agro-food enterprises need to analyze the existing investment and innovation potential and identify reserves for increasing the efficiency of its use. The investment and innovation potential of the enterprise is understood as a set of resources and results of investment and innovation activity, interconnected and interacting with each other and the external environment in certain organizational and management conditions to solve the tasks of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise and ensuring sustainable economic growth. It was established that the most appropriate are the methods of assessing investment and innovation activity, which are based on a systemic approach and are based on a multi-criteria analysis of the effectiveness of the use of innovations and investments in their implementation. Studies have shown that investment and innovation activity includes such economic categories as innovative ability; investment and innovation potential; innovative activity, or orientation. The method of assessing the investment and innovation potential of agro-food enterprises proposed in the work is based on a comprehensive (detailed and diagnostic) analysis of each of its components, the calculation of indicators of the efficiency of the use of individual types of resources and the determination of a general indicator of the level of investment and innovation potential of the economic entity.


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How to Cite
Zoria, O., Yasnolob, I., & Protsiuk, N. (2023). METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO ASSESSMENT AND ANALYSIS OF INVESTMENT AND INNOVATION POTENTIAL. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (9 (09), 133-137.