The purpose of the article is to develop measures to improve the management of territorial communities under martial law. Peculiarities of state management of territorial communities under martial law require the development of appropriate measures to ensure the safety of local residents and economic development. The article examines the basic norms of territorial community management under martial law, which determined the relevance of the study. The theoretical and methodological basis of this study are the following methods and techniques: dialectical and abstract-logical; monographic; statistical comparisons, grouping, graphic, etc. The approaches of scientists to the management of communities in modern conditions have been studied. It has been determined that it is advisable for territorial communities represented by village and town councils to concentrate their activities on attracting investments specifically to the development of agricultural processing enterprises within the territories of their operation in order to ensure food security. It was established that since the majority of territorial communities are rural, therefore, the growth of the agrarian sector of the economy should be considered as the result of a dialectical interaction of two key factors: the functioning of the market mechanism in agriculture and state regulation of this industry. The distribution of powers between military administrations and local self-government bodies under various legally prescribed options for their operation in wartime has been studied. It was determined that, in addition to providing state support for the development of entrepreneurship in territorial communities, it is necessary to develop programs for the disposal of both domestic and military waste. Today, individual cases of implementation of solid household waste disposal programs are already being implemented. The main directions for improving the management of territorial communities have been identified, which should include: the development of a system of social support for the population affected by military operations by providing financial and social support and providing advisory services; the adoption and implementation of programs for the social rehabilitation of the population and demobilized military personnel of the Armed Forces, including through the creation of centers on the basis of local educational and medical institutions; stimulating the development of small agricultural processing enterprises to provide the local population with basic food products; stimulating the development of biofuel production aimed at providing the population and infrastructure of territorial communities with their own ecologically clean energy sources; ensuring the development of elevator enterprises and taking measures for their safe functioning; carrying out educational work among the population in the field of popularization of vocational and technological education.
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