Digitization of the environment and IT technologies make it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of management. The initiation of such transformations and the management of innovative development projects require a clear understanding of the peculiarities of reorganization and reformatting of established business processes in the agro-industrial complex. They make it possible to significantly increase the productivity of the agricultural industry, reduce its cost, radically increase its technological and economic flexibility, and obtain a number of other important positive effects. The problem of quality management of innovations in agro-industry is relevant, therefore the purpose of the article is to investigate the features of management of projects of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex, using modern digital technologies. For an innovative project, it is important to determine the type of effect that will be obtained from its implementation. Effective management of projects of such investment and innovation changes is a necessary condition for sustainable development. An important issue for the project is the choice of the organizational structure of management, based on their advantages and disadvantages, as well as compliance with the specifics of the project. The very process of investment analysis, development and implementation of the project should include a procedure for evaluating its development. Such a need is urgent, since the decision to abandon the implementation of the project may arise after significant investments have been made. The object of the study was the Limited Liability Company «Agrofirma «im. Dovzhenka», which has an increase in the total sales volume of agricultural products. In the process of research, the impact of project parameters on the determination of relevant types of organizational structures of project management was considered. The stages of the organizational and economic formation of the project and methodical approaches to the analysis of its components with the aim of forming an effective management system were studied. Investment activity at the enterprise is unstable, at the same time, real investments are considered as a priority direction of innovative development. The key features of innovative development for the company are investments in fixed assets, moderate uniqueness and increased efficiency in the process of operation. Activation of innovative activity should include approaches to justify the feasibility of implementing specific innovations, as well as tools for choosing organizational and management forms for their effective implementation.
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