Keywords: investments, enterprise investment security, economic security, risks, threats


The article was aimed at improving the theoretical foundations of ensuring the investment security of the enterprise in current conditions. Firstly, the paper provides a theoretical analysis of the essence of the concept of "investment security" and "enterprise investment security". Such an analysis was provided to determine the peculiarities of the concept of "investment security of the enterprise" by various scientists. As a result of the conducted theoretical analysis, relevant conclusions were identified. Moreover, as a result of the conducted theoretical analysis, the interpretation of the concept of "investment security of the enterprise" was designed from the security science point of view and within the security environment formation framework, which made it possible to clarify the conceptual and categorical apparatus of investment management and security. Secondly, the next stage of the research was the classification of types of investment security in terms of classification features and types of enterprise investment security. This classification made it possible to understand the essence of investment security of the enterprise in terms of various classification features and the range of its main characteristics, which in turn formed a theoretical idea of its essence in the system of modern security science. Thirdly, taking into account the results of the conducted research, in particular the theoretical analysis, a theoretical model of ensuring the financial security of the enterprise was formed. To realize this goal, a modeling method was used, namely modeling using the IDEF0 model. The specified model provided for the presence of four planes: input; output; management and mechanism. The basis of the model was, first of all, theoretical principles regarding the interpretation and understanding of the essence of investment security through the prism of the formation of a security environment. The model provides for the formation of a mechanism for ensuring investment security by assessing the investment security of the enterprise; risk monitoring and security activities.


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Franchuk, V., Pryhunov, P., Melnyk, S., Hobela, V., & Shuprudko, N. (2023). Security environment: theoretical and methodological principles. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, 3(50), 247–255. . DOI:

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Franchuk, V., & Hobela, V. (2023). MODELING THE ENTERPRISE’S SECURITY ENVIRONMENT IN THE INVESTMENT SECURITY FRAMEWORK. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (9 (09), 85-89.