In difficult economic conditions, it is important to ensure the flexibility and adaptability of strategic management of the organization. Therefore, the development and implementation of strategies should be aimed at achieving both short-term goals and objectives, and take into account long-term market trends. The purpose of the article was to outline the key aspects of strategic management, development, implementation and evaluation of strategies to achieve the organization’s goals, taking into account the changing conditions of the external environment. Methodology (methods) of research. The article uses general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization to outline the theoretical aspects of strategic enterprise management. The results of the study prove a close connection between the stages of strategic management of organizations, namely between the processes of development, implementation and evaluation of strategies for the development of firms. The strategic planning stage provides top management with information about the factors affecting the activity of the external environment, market needs, which serve as initial data for identifying the mission, activity goals and developing a set of strategies for further activities. The stage of strategic organization involves the implementation of the processes of the developed set of measures and actions to achieve the set goals. At this stage, it is important to ensure both the correct choice of business strategy and functional / operational strategies, as well as their compliance with the organizational structure of the firm and the norms of behavior of its employees. Within the organizational structure, it is important to ensure the effectiveness of communication, coordination and decision-making. At the third stage, there is monitoring, control of the implementation of a set of measures and evaluation of the effectiveness of measures and actions within the existing strategies of the organization according to the following dimensions: finances, customers, internal business processes, training and growth. The practical value of the article lies in proving the interrelationship between all stages and stages of strategic management, the importance of organizational structure and norms of behavior to facilitate the implementation of business strategy.
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