• Svitlana Smerichevska National Aviation University
  • Yuliia Shtyk National Aviation University
  • Oleksandr Strizhov National Aviation University
Keywords: concept, , ecosystem services, business structures, sustainable development


This article presents the trends in the development of transport infrastructure during wartime. The authors highlight a number of problems and contradictions that inhibit the development of the transport infrastructure of Ukraine in modern conditions, despite the fact that the transport industry will be recognized as a priority direction of the development of the national economy, which must be supported and developed at the state level. The current economic situation in the country requires constant improvement of the transport infrastructure. The state and level of Ukraine's transport infrastructure is the most important factor in the social and economic development of the state. As the experience of European countries shows, the development and modernization of the national transport infrastructure formulates stable economic ties and is a guarantee of the economic rise of the state in general. Limitation of infrastructure also limits the throughput of infrastructure facilities, etc., and can slow down the country's economic growth. According to the data of the Ministry of Infrastructure, the total length of roads damaged as a result of hostilities is 25.1 thousand km, as well as 344 bridges and overpasses of state, local or communal importance. A preliminary estimate of damages from the direct destruction of road infrastructure may amount to approximately 26.7 billion dollars. USA (estimated at end-2021 prices). The assessment of damage and destruction of bridges and overpasses adds another 2.6 billion US dollars in infrastructure damage. Therefore, the transport infrastructure of Ukraine needs to be modernized, the creation of the necessary prerequisites for free competition for the development of the transport sector, and the development and harmonization of all types of transport infrastructure. In order to provide an institutional basis for the development and promotion of the transport infrastructure of Ukraine, it is also necessary to formulate and implement an effective and efficient national state policy. Taking into account the need to ensure the safe development of the country and society in the conditions of military conflict and post-war reconstruction, these aspects become decisive.


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How to Cite
Smerichevska, S., Shtyk, Y., & Strizhov, O. (2023). ANALYSIS OF THE STATE AND DEVELOPMENT TRENDS OF THE TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE OF UKRAINE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (9 (09), 56-62.