Keywords: international aid, international organization, international cooperation, international projects, international support


International aid from international organizations is of great importance for improving the economic situation of the aid-recipient state, and the coordinated actions of aid providers (organizations, countries, private structures) make it possible to achieve large-scale influence to support global development initiatives and overcome crises. The purpose of the research is to analyze and generalize the trends in the provision of international aid by the World Bank within the framework of international cooperation with partner countries and to outline the main directions of attracting such aid by the recipient countries. General and regional trends in the provision of international assistance in the form of loans, grants, equity investments and guarantees to partner countries and private companies by the World Bank Group, as one of the main donors and coordinators of financial assistance to partner countries have been analyzed in the article. The growing trends of international aid to the countries of Europe and Central Asia, associated with uncertainty and instability for the entire region provoked by Russia's military actions in Ukraine and the devastating consequences of the earthquake in Turkey, have been revealed. It has been determined that through a set of main tools: loans and credits on preferential terms, grants to countries for specific projects, consultations, as well as mobilization of financing and support from donor partners, the World Bank responds promptly to challenges of a global and crisis nature and contributes to increasing resilience to crises and solving existing problems in order to protect and strengthen the foundations of the future prosperity of states. Basic international projects of the World Bank regarding the support of Ukraine in the conditions of a full-scale Russian invasion have been characterized, which include financial support in the amount of more than 33 billion US dollars and mechanisms and tools regarding the promotion of recovery and creation of potential for the reconstruction of Ukraine. It has been emphasized that in modern conditions, supporting global development initiatives and overcoming crises in countries receiving international aid requires coordinated actions of aid providers, for the purposeful attraction of resources to promote the sustainable development of the country, the region, and the world. The World Bank, as a global organization with powerful financial capabilities and connections, is able to provide financial support to the economy of any state, which enables the recipient country to attract additional resources to solve strategic development tasks, to reduce the burden on the budget, to update infrastructure, to modernize objects of the budgetary sphere, to create new jobs.


Aid. URL: (дата звернення: 18.12.2023)

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How to Cite
Demianiuk, O. (2023). INTERNATIONAL AID AS A TYPE OF COOPERATION WITH INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (9 (09), 36-41.