The article identifies the main business processes of pharmaceutical enterprises, including: research and development of new drugs; production of pharmaceuticals; marketing and sales of pharmaceuticals; logistics and supply; pharmaceutical activities; pharmaceutical services and clinical pharmacy; quality management and safety of pharmaceuticals. The industry-specific features are identified, taking into account which is necessary for the effective adjustment of business processes of pharmaceutical enterprises and their further diagnostic analysis, in particular: regulatory (legislative) regulation of pharmaceutical activities; low efficiency of production processes; high level of competition; specific system of drug procurement (instability of procurement policy); low pricing policy; complexity of development and implementation of new technologies (low level of innovation); insufficient information base; underdeveloped marketing strategies. Potential directions (stages) for conducting economic diagnostics of business processes of pharmaceutical enterprises are determined: efficiency diagnostics; cost diagnostics; profitability diagnostics; strategy development; strategy implementation; monitoring and control. The sequence of conducting economic diagnostics of business processes of pharmaceutical enterprises allows to identify shortcomings and problems that hinder the achievement of set goals; to identify possible risks and deficiencies related to the quality and safety of products, and take necessary measures to eliminate them; to determine opportunities for optimizing resource utilization; to reveal potential for improving productivity and work quality, which will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market. It is argued that the toolkit of economic diagnostics allows obtaining information about the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, determining its potential and competitiveness in the market of pharmaceutical services, and developing a development strategy aimed at increasing profitability and market share.
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