The article highlights the key features of the development and functioning of the banking sector and the insurance market from the perspective of today's challenges. The article examines the dynamics of the number of commercial banks in Ukraine and determines that as of November 1, 2023, there were 63 commercial banks in Ukraine. The current state of development and functioning of the banking sector in Ukraine is analyzed and it is found that the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war has significantly affected the banking system, changing its functioning and introducing new restrictions. The article analyzes the peculiarities of development and functioning of the insurance market in Ukraine and establishes that, despite all the difficulties caused by the war, the Ukrainian insurance market continued to recover actively in 2023. It has been found that through the use of insurance mechanisms, investment activity in the economy can be supported by sharing the risk between investors and national or international donors, with the latter being responsible for the costs of insurance and compensation for possible losses. It is determined that due to the coordinated actions of the National Bank of Ukraine, the banking system and the insurance market function reliably in wartime. It is determined that the measures necessary to restore the financial services market after the war should include the restoration of the banking sector, including recapitalization and restructuring of non-performing loans. It is found that despite the full-scale war, the banking sector of Ukraine has demonstrated significant resilience, as the liquidity coverage ratio is well above the required level. At the same time, despite all the difficulties caused by the war, the Ukrainian insurance market continues to recover, as evidenced by the growth of net insurance premiums, gross insurance premiums, total insurance payments, etc. The author suggests that in the future, further research should highlight the peculiarities of interaction of financial sector participants in the context of the challenges of the Russian-Ukrainian war with regard to the European integration aspect.
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