Keywords: cyber attack, cyber security, competition, enterprises, economic challenges, conditions


Modern life has become much more comfortable thanks to various digital technologies. The Internet has brought positive changes to society's life, but with it comes a huge problem of personal data protection. Enterprises that need to protect customer data or confidential information of the enterprise itself from an information threat – a cyberattack – are also concerned with this issue. Every year, the number and types of cyberattacks increase and expand, and the competition becomes even more intense as companies improve their management and security systems. Despite new protection systems and their improvement, enterprises suffer from various types of cyberattacks that affect financial results and reputation. Their detrimental effects can lead to business downtime, data leakage (both customer and business) and the spread of viruses that can eventually destroy the system. Digitization is a powerful engine of economic growth in the world and almost all business markets are becoming increasingly digitized, and businesses that go digital not only increase efficiency, but also profitability. It also helps businesses better adapt to changes that occur under the influence of external factors. That is, the transition to digital technologies accelerates all business processes in each unit of the enterprise structure, which accelerates the interactive process with customers who have also transformed to a digital process. But the transition to digitization tools of operation, the enterprise is risky. The risk of digitalization is the leakage of data and cyberattacks that destroy platforms, sites and other information technology components or suspend the work of the enterprise for at least one day. For a business to stop work for a day is a huge expense, as well as eliminate the problems involved in a cyberattack and strengthen cyber security. The article examines the definition of the concept of "cyberattack", and also analyzes the gradation list of the largest cyberattacks: malware attack, phishing attacks, password attack, man-in-the-middle attack, SQL Injection attack, denial of service (DOS) attack and distributed denial of service (DDOS), insider threat, cryptojacking, zero-day exploit, watering hole attack, DNS tunneling, Drive-by download attacks, cross-site scripting attacks, DNS spoofing or "poisoning", IoT attack, session hijacking, URL manipulation.


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How to Cite
Kalina, I., Shulyar, N., & Hryshchenko, A. (2023). ECONOMIC CHALLENGES OF THE COMPANY’S ACTIVITY DURING CYBERATTACKS IN THE CONDITIONS OF TOUGH COMPETITION. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (9 (09), 14-20.