The article highlights the peculiarities of artificial intelligence as an important driver of the digital economy. It has been established that artificial intelligence is the basis for the digital transformation of the economy and the driving force behind important developments in technology and business, as it provides automation, increases efficiency, reduces costs, and improves the quality of solutions. It is found that the main strategy of digitalization in Ukraine should be cooperation with the domestic market, and the key initiative should be to create motivation and demand for digital technologies among consumers (business, government, industry, and citizens). It has been found that a successful example of the use of artificial intelligence in companies is chatbot systems that provide real-time customer support, which reduces customer support costs and increases customer satisfaction. It was found that the most common way to use artificial intelligence to simplify processes and increase the efficiency of business operations is through automation and data analysis. It has been determined that the use of artificial intelligence requires careful planning and analysis, as it is a powerful tool for the successful management of business processes. It is established that artificial intelligence at the current stage of development cannot yet completely replace human labor and solve all problems on its own. The current and forecasted size of the artificial intelligence market in Ukraine is highlighted. The features of the concept of artificial intelligence development until 2030 are considered, and the ways to achieve the goals of such a concept are identified. It was found that the use of artificial intelligence will help reduce costs, increase production efficiency, and improve product quality. The advantages of artificial intelligence for the Ukrainian economy are highlighted. The author proposes to highlight the practical aspects of digital business transformation in the context of the impact of artificial intelligence on such processes in the future research.
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