• Anastasiia Kyrychenko National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: logistics activity, e-commerce, dropshipping, one-stop logistics, efficiency of logistics activities of e-commerce enterprises


This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the logistics activities of e-commerce enterprises, which includes a thorough study of the views of various scientists on this concept. The author considered the key aspects and elements of logistics systems, which are important for enterprises operating in the field of electronic commerce. Special attention was paid to the analysis of the criteria for the efficiency of logistics activity in this context, as well as to the main indicators that characterize the efficiency of the logistics activity of e-commerce enterprises. The article reveals the dynamics of logistics activities at both the global and national levels, which allows us to understand the trends in the development of this industry in the world and in Ukraine. Such an analysis creates an opportunity to compare approaches to logistics activities of e-commerce enterprises in different markets and to identify unique features that affect the competitiveness of enterprises. In addition, the article considers various methods of streamlining logistics systems in the field of electronic commerce. This includes an analysis of modern approaches to inventory management, supply optimization, returns management and delivery arrangements, which are key aspects of a successful logistics strategy for e-commerce businesses. The final part of the article provides specific recommendations for solving the main problems identified in the study. It has been proven that improving the logistics of e-commerce enterprises requires a comprehensive approach. The first step in this process is the identification of system limitations that may affect the level of logistics service. This includes exposure to external constraints and threats, understanding consumer expectations and overall business goals. It was emphasized that one of the key components of success is the continuous process of improving the functioning of logistics activities of e-commerce enterprises. Therefore, this article not only reveals the essence of logistics activities of e-commerce enterprises, but also provides specific recommendations for optimizing these processes, which can be useful for businesses, researchers and specialists in the field of logistics activities of e-commerce enterprises.


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How to Cite
Kyrychenko, A. (2023). PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LOGISTICS ACTIVITIES E-COMMERCE ENTERPRISES. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (9 (09), 3-9.