The aim of the research is to develop theoretical and practical recommendations for the utilization and implementation of IT tools to enhance enterprise potential management. The article delves into the intricacies of enterprise potential management within the framework of contemporary conditions and the integration of sophisticated IT tools. As IT technologies continue to advance, their pervasive influence extends across all facets of life, encompassing domains intricately linked to the management of enterprise potential. Hence, the article’s profound scrutiny of the impact of cutting-edge technologies on the streamlining of management processes and the instigation of strategic development for enterprises renders it highly pertinent in the current landscape. It scrutinizes the nuanced ways in which digital tools exert their influence on various dimensions of business, with a specific emphasis on augmenting managerial efficiency and fortifying the competitive edge of companies. Furthermore, the article places a deliberate focus on the meticulous identification of potential challenges that may emerge and the strategic delineation of opportunities that manifest through the adept utilization of digital tools. In an era marked by the breakneck pace of technological evolution, this facet assumes paramount importance, particularly for enterprises driven by an ethos of innovation, aspiring to attain not just growth but enduring stability within the ever-changing dynamics of the contemporary business milieu. The accomplishment of tasks outlined in the article was achieved through the application of general scientific and specialized research methods, such as analysis and synthesis, systematization, and generalization. In essence, the exploration and analysis undertaken in this article transcend the immediate horizon of enterprise potential management. It is a holistic examination that illuminates the intricate interplay between technological advancements and strategic business imperatives, shaping the discourse on how enterprises can navigate the complex landscapes of today’s business realities with foresight and adaptability.
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