• Oleksandr Shpykuliak National Scientific Centre “Institute of Agrarian Economics”
  • Kateryna Ksenofontova National Scientific Centre “Institute of Agrarian Economics”
  • Olena Hryschenko National Scientific Centre “Institute of Agrarian Economics”
Keywords: agricultural, sector, entrepreneurship, institutions, production, efficiency


In the article, a scientific and analytical assessment of the current state, macroeconomic dynamics of the development of the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine was carried out, and proposals were developed to solve the existing problems, taking into account the priorities of post-war recovery. A scientific and research assessment of the macroeconomic dynamics of the development of the industry, which has a significant competitive potential to ensure the promising role of entrepreneurship, and the formation of the efficiency of enterprises, was carried out. This is due to the special industry, institutional conditions of market transactions, in particular, in wartime conditions. Russia's military aggression against Ukraine has a profound effect on the development of agrarian entrepreneurship and, in particular, has a negative impact on the effectiveness of the functioning of individual economic entities. At the same time, let's note. that thanks to a certain safety margin, relative stability is ensured in the agrarian sector of the economy, and the macroeconomic efficiency of management is not so degraded compared to the rest of the branches of the real sector of the national economy. including energy security, needs post-war recovery in a special format. Along with the assessments of macroeconomic trends in the development of the agrarian sector in the aspect of assessing the effects of the functionality of entrepreneurship in modern Ukrainian realities, the principles of sustainable development of the agricultural system and rural areas should be rejected. Ideologically and practically, we connect this with the fact that the concept and practices of sustainable development have acquired a comprehensively realized character of institutionalization. It has been clarified that the prospects, the determination of the principles of the organization of post-war reconstruction should be connected with the practice of "green" reconstruction, which can be institutionally built within the framework of the European Green Course and road map for the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU.


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How to Cite
Shpykuliak, O., Ksenofontova, K., & Hryschenko, O. (2023). MACROECONOMIC DYNAMICS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR OF THE ECONOMY OF UKRAINE: ASPECTS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (8 (08), 248-255.