The foundations of the holistic approach were laid by researchers who, in the distant past, focused on learning about the world and laying the foundations for maintaining the vital activity of the human body. The basis of the holistic approach is the ability to form a holistic view of all processes that occur in relation to a certain socio-economic system. A holistic vision of all processes creates the basis for a controlled course of events with the possibility of achieving the set goals. The current complicated business conditions actualize the application of a holistic approach in relation to the management of the economic security of the enterprise. The purpose of the study is to consider the historical foundations and modern practice of applying a holistic approach to further clarify the methodological principles of managing the economic security of the enterprise. In order to form the methodological principles of the application of the holistic approach in the management of the economic security of the enterprise, the following methods were used: induction and deduction, comparison and systematization - in the study of the essential characteristics of the term "holistic approach"; synthesis and analysis — to highlight the characteristic features of the holistic approach; morphological analysis — to specify changes in the management of economic security of the enterprise, which must be implemented in accordance with the principles of applying a holistic approach; graphic — for visual representation of theoretical and methodical material; abstract-logical — for theoretical generalizations and research conclusions. The existing practice of security activities in the conditions of Ukrainian enterprises is characterized, which involves clear compliance with the instructions in matters of response to the occurrence of losses and damages, which are reflected in analytical documents over a long period of time. The fact of the low effectiveness of such an approach due to significant resource costs and the inability to maintain a constantly required level of security in conditions of high dynamics and periodic changes in the priority of the influence of threats has been proven. The established principles, using the existing experience of applying a holistic approach, determine the nature of changes that must be made in relation to the management of the economic security of the enterprise, in particular in terms of the development of information and analytical support through the expansion of the information field and the constant improvement of the digital competences of security subjects.
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