• Tetіana Savanchuk Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University
  • Valerii Serhiienko Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University
Keywords: economic security, organization, agricultural enterprise, risk monitoring, financial management, personnel management


економічна безпекаThe purpose of the article is to highlight the key areas of the organization of the economic security system of the agricultural enterprise and justify the need for their constant monitoring. This direction of economic activity will provide practical recommendations for the development of effective strategies for ensuring the sustainability of agricultural enterprises. The research was conducted using the monographic method. The article substantiates that the main key directions of economic security of the enterprise are the analysis of internal and external risks of the enterprise and their management, determination of financial management strategy, establishment of business diversification directions and personnel management. The main stages of risk monitoring in the system of economic security of an agricultural enterprise are determined. The authors considered financial management tools and determined their importance for ensuring the stability and development of an agricultural enterprise. The key aspects of business diversification are highlighted, which include: expanding the assortment, developing related industries, expanding the geography of activity, providing additional services, introducing modern technologies, and synergy of various industries. Their use will create a more flexible business structure, able to overcome negative changes in the market and ensure stability and sustainability in the conditions of economic activity. Special attention is paid to personnel management as a key factor in ensuring an effective system of economic security within the enterprise. The need to develop employee motivational programs at the enterprise, ensuring their safety and health, effective internal staff communication and a conflict resolution system has been proven. The article contains practical advice and recommendations that may be useful to agricultural enterprises to increase their economic security and sustainability in an unpredictable economic environment. She emphasizes the importance of adaptation and continuous improvement of the enterprise's management system to achieve success in the agricultural sector.


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How to Cite
Savanchuk, T., & Serhiienko, V. (2023). KEY DIRECTIONS OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ECONOMIC SECURITY SYSTEM OF AN AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (8 (08), 221-223.