The goal is to form a network using artificial intelligence and prospects for the development of business process management in the context of the digital transformation of Ukraine's economy, and to determine the economic effects and challenges of implementing AI technology as a powerful business tool. The topicality of the topic lies in the rapid development of technologies of the information system of managing business processes, which become an important tool for supporting decision-making in the context of digital transformation of business, which contributes to the formation of the country's digital economy. The content of the concepts "digital economy" and "artificial intelligence" was considered, the opportunities and challenges of implementing artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in the business process management system were determined. The investment of resources in the development of AI technology was analyzed using a graphic, comparative method. The study shows that global business is constantly increasing the investment of resources in AI technology, as this is a strategic investment, because the use of AI reduces costs, improves the quality of solutions and promotes the innovative development of various fields. In particular, AI is used in the management of business processes, where it affects the forecasting of business development indicators and finances, as AI helps to increase profits, reduce costs and increase sales. It has been established that artificial intelligence is an effective business tool that can help, using neural networks, to speed up the time for making certain decisions and forecasts and replace entire departments. The practical value of the article is that artificial intelligence can support interaction with customers, generate creative content for marketing and sales, create computer code based on language models and lead to the emergence of a new position in companies - R&D manager, who develop strategies for technological development , contribute to promising developments and modernize business process management. Further prospects for the development of the digital economy based on the formed network platform with the use of AI for obtaining digital solutions in the management of business processes have been determined.
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