• Liubomyr Pylypenko Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Volodymyr Voskalo Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Taras Yatsuk Lviv Polytechnic National University
Keywords: digital document, digital workflow, accounting document, accounting, digital signature


The article deals with the introduction of digital document management in the accounting system of business entities in Ukraine. The relevance of the paper is due to the dynamic development of information and telecommunication technologies and comprehensive digitalisation of the economy in general and documentary support of business processes in particular. Despite the high level of relevance, digital document management has not become widespread in the information systems of automation of accounting of business entities in Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of introducing digital document management in the accounting system of enterprises in order to explain this trend in the scope of its application. While preparing the research article, general and special methods of scientific research were used, in particular, the method of substantive analysis of legislative and regulatory sources. The main results of the study presented in the publication include the following: determination of the impact of the digital format of accounting documents and digital document flow on their analytical, protective, evidentiary, organisational and informational functions with the allocation of clear advantages that lead to strengthening of the functions and disadvantages that lead to obstacles to their implementation; description of the documents of legislative and regulatory regulation of digital document management in the accounting system of business entities of Ukraine; identification of requirements for organisation of digital document management at an enterprise; specification of requirements for implementation of digital document management software at an enterprise. The conclusions reveal the identified advantages of using digital document management in the accounting system of business entities in Ukraine and the authors' opinion on the existence of significant obstacles to its implementation. The practical value of the obtained results of the study lies in substantiating the feasibility of introducing digital document management in the accounting system of business entities in Ukraine.


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