• Svitlana Suvorova Penitentiary academy of Ukraine
  • Oksana Kulhanik Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of State University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: shadow economy, de-shadowing, economic policy, GDP, European integration


The article highlights the state and peculiarities of the shadow economy in Ukraine and ways to overcome this negative phenomenon. It is revealed that the spread of the shadow economy significantly reduces the effectiveness and complexity of public policy, and in some cases makes it impossible to regulate the economy by means of monetary and tax policy instruments. The author analyzes the level of the shadow economy as a percentage of official GDP for 2010-2021 and determines that during the war in Ukraine the share of the shadow economy did not decrease and, according to various estimates, remains at the level of 20-30% of GDP. Measures to combat the shadow economy proposed by the USAID RANG Program are considered. It is determined that the unshadowing of the national economy will involve reducing the size of the shadow sector by forming a unified system of measures aimed at eliminating and preventing the main causes and prerequisites for the emergence of shadow activities or preventing the transfer of illegally obtained funds to the legal level. It is found that, given Ukraine's orientation towards European integration and in order to fulfill Ukraine's obligations to the Council of Europe, it is urgent to create effective mechanisms to overcome the shadow economy and its preconditions. The development of such mechanisms requires the introduction of foreign experience in combating extremely negative social phenomena, primarily political, legal, institutional, supervisory, information and analytical mechanisms for overcoming the shadow economy, which have been successfully used in other countries. It was found that in order to combat the shadow economy, it is necessary to introduce effective mechanisms of control, monitoring and regulation. The research suggests that the fight against the shadow economy will contribute to economic growth, more active use of domestic and foreign investment potential, and ensure stability, development, and security of the national economy, which are very important principles in the wartime and postwar reconstruction period of Ukraine and a key condition for EU membership.


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How to Cite
Suvorova, S., & Kulhanik, O. (2023). SHADOW ECONOMY IN UKRAINE: STATE AND WAYS TO OVERCOME. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (8 (08), 168-172.