The article highlights the peculiarities of the State's financial policy in the context of digitalization of the economy. It is found that an effective reform of the public finance management system is the basis for implementing national policy and achieving strategic development goals by maintaining overall fiscal discipline, strategic allocation of budgetary resources and efficient service delivery. The features of the implementation of the Strategy for Digital Development, Digital Transformation and Digitalization of the Public Finance Management System until 2025 are considered. The author characterizes the Strategy for the Development of the Financial Sector of Ukraine and establishes that, despite the war, this document defines the need to continue the technological development of financial services as an important prerequisite for further expanding financial inclusion and ensuring cybersecurity. The article considers the peculiarities of modernization of legislation on financial market regulation. It is found that digital transformation plays a key role in modernizing the management of taxes, fees and payments. Transparent and efficient taxation and digitalization of national tax administration in the digital economy are new strategies for the development of financial market participants. It is determined that under martial law, it is very important to ensure the stable functioning of the state financial system, full coverage of Ukraine's defense needs, and uninterrupted operation of important infrastructure facilities. It is established that digital transformation plays a key role in modernizing the management of taxes, fees and payments. It is determined that transparent and efficient taxation and digitalization of national tax administration in the digital economy are new strategies for the development of financial market participants. Therefore, the improvement of Ukraine's financial policy should be aimed at financial stability, financial inclusion, macroeconomic development, and the development of financial markets through the use of modern digital technologies, as well as in the context of compliance with the requirements of European integration processes.
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