The article identifies the peculiarities of enterprise’s digitalization in the sphere of medical services provision and describes the main trends and tendencies of the medical and healthcare sectors digitalization, which made it possible to determine the prospects for their functioning. Attention was focused on the need for effective management of the enterprise’s digitalization processes in the field of healthcare services, which requires formalization of a systemic model of this process. Based on a synthesis of existing models, the author's own model of managing the processes of enterprise’s digitalization in the field of healthcare services provision was developed and based on the architectonics of a three-dimensional matrix model, which includes interrelated planes: the plane of the management system architecture, which combines three elements: architecture of management objects, architecture of management subjects and technical and technological architecture; the plane of the interaction subjects architecture, which includes client-oriented architecture, architecture of healthcare facilities and healthcare service providers, information architecture and architecture of digital platforms; the digital interaction architecture plane includes service architecture and software and application architecture, analytics and data analysis architecture, information security and cyber security architecture. The developed model for managing the processes of enterprise’s digitalization in the field of healthcare services was a formalized as a reflection of the interaction processes in the field of medical institution’s management, effective organization of technical and technological processes and their digitalization in the provision of medical services by individual healthcare entities at different levels. Its peculiarity is that it takes into account the industry specifics of healthcare organizations and integrates with various types of digital technologies, informatization, automation and identifies key points of interaction between subjects and objects, which ultimately makes it possible to determine the basic digital and management infrastructure of each healthcare entity, the prospects for its development in order to respond promptly and make timely management decisions to improve the activities of a high-tech healthcare organization.
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