• Dmytro Diachkov Poltava State Agrarian University, Poltava, Ukraine
  • Oleksandr Pleskach Poltava State Agrarian University
  • Tetyana Oliynyk Poltava State Agrarian University
Keywords: digital environment, marketing management tools, Internet, influencers, communication channels, digital marketing, Industry 4.0


The article identifies the relevance of transforming marketing activities and managing them, based on the development of the digital environment and the introduction of Industry 4.0 techniques and technologies. The types of digital marketing were divided into those, that were implemented from the classical marketing and those, that arose as a result of the development of the digital environment. The basic set of digital marketing tools was outlined and characterized, which was differentiated into four areas "smart" gadgets (tools, that perform two directions of marketing interaction simultaneously: first of all, they serve as a means of searching, comparing and purchasing goods or services via the Internet; secondly, they are means of influencing a potential consumer through various types of advertising); internet communications (serve as technologies for information transfer, communication with potential customers, and analytical tools); digital television (as a tool for interaction with consumers through traditional television advertising, banner advertising, and video hosting, 360° video and VR, etc.); and digital radio (a traditional marketing tool that, when combined with the digital capabilities of the modern information and communication environment, can be integrated with the technical means and technologies of Industry 4.0). Digital marketing management tools include directions, methods, means and measures that allow reaching a significant target audience, attracting the attention of potential customers to the activities of the enterprise, brand, product or service. Given the reviewed tools of digital marketing, the author identifies certain trends in the prospects for its development, which will be manifested in the reformatting of "conversational" marketing, the formation of a "different view" on the use of dialogic styles of digital marketing, the expansion of the content marketing influence within digital marketing, the complication of testing advertising optimization as a result of the development advertising platforms, the use of new social networks, and their perception by potential customers and organizations, as well as the targeted growth of digital marketing by influencers.


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How to Cite
Diachkov, D., Pleskach, O., & Oliynyk, T. (2023). BASIC DIGITAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT TOOLS AND THEIR CHARACTERISTICS. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (8 (08), 137-142.