• Dmytro Diachkov Poltava State Agrarian University
  • Oleksandr Pleskach Poltava State Agrarian University
  • Vladislav Buryk Poltava State Agrarian University
Keywords: adaptation, decentralization, organizational structure, agri-food enterprises, marketing management, centralization, digitalization


The article substantiates the relevance and necessity of formation and transformation of not only management system’s individual elements such as management objects, functions, methods, levers, principles, but also the use of fundamentally new or modified (according to the business environment) organizational systems for digital marketing management at enterprises of the agri-food sector of Ukraine. It is proved that competitive were not those agricultural entities that have unlimited digital channels for promoting products and bringing information to potential consumers, but those entities that have a well-developed and well-established digital marketing management system, and, accordingly, a properly formed organizational model for its construction. The general types of structures for managing marketing activities were summarized, and the classical set of structures should be distinguished, supplemented by the latest organizational systems, the emergence of which is due to the digitalization of marketing functions. Classical organizational structures for managing marketing activities were divided into functional, project, divisional, matrix and combined ones, while digital organizational systems were derived from the classical ones and enhance the advantages of traditional systems with the help of the latest technologies. Among the structures for managing the marketing activities of enterprise, which were conditioned by the digitalization of its functionality, the following are allocated: centralized, integrated, divisional, geographical, product, market, functional, process, flexible, virtual and funnel-based structures. The described list of classical and digital organizational systems for managing the marketing activities of agri-food enterprises was not exhaustive, but outlines their basic types and is an important criterion for the formation of the organizational structure of the marketing department for these business entities. The established link between traditional approaches to marketing management and digital organizational systems will simplify the processes of digitalization of marketing in agribusiness enterprises.


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How to Cite
Diachkov, D., Pleskach, O., & Buryk, V. (2023). DIGITAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AT THE ENTERPRISES OF THE AGRO-FOOD SECTOR OF UKRAINE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (8 (08), 130-136.