The article is devoted to the study of the strategy, which represents one of the ten integration priorities of the EU, based on three "pillars" of modern integration: first, expanding the access of citizens and business structures to digital goods and services; secondly, creating fair and equal conditions for the development of digital networks and innovative digital services for all states of the united Europe; thirdly, increasing the economic potential of the EU based on the digital economy. It was the implementation of the mentioned measures that formed the basis of the problems of this study, because according to the founders of the strategy, the leveling of all cross-border regulatory barriers in the digitalization of the national economies of the EU member states, as well as the introduction of single unified rules for the functioning of the telecommunications sector, trust service systems for the European market and e-commerce is an important element in the development of digitalization of the EU. In this way, the formation of a mature model of a single digital market with such integral attributes as: significant strengthening of the global competitive positions of the European regional economy will be completed on the territory of the EU; acceleration of the development of the European industrial sector; development of new digital solutions for large, small and medium-sized businesses, innovative startups and creative industries; expansion of opportunities for European companies and firms to freely sell their goods and services on the common market through electronic commerce tools; as well as increasing the scale of production of qualitatively new goods and services based on digital technologies. It is primarily about building a nationwide network of contact points for professional service of domestic researchers and innovators on the territory of Ukraine; provision of political consultations on the integration of our country into the European Research Area; as well as expansion and strengthening of the Ukrainian-European network of research institutions and innovative institutions. This strategy should be implemented on the basis of Ukraine's deep integration into the European digital space and be based on the current framework and strategic documents of the EU in the field of digital transformation.
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